Τρίτη 7 Μαΐου 2024

Κατηγορίες αντιθρησκόληπτων

μπλαμπλαμπλα νέο άρθρο μπλαμπλαμπλα

5 σχόλια:

  1. Προφορικός λόγος Vs γραπτός

    Καλύτερα τα βίντεο χως.
    Βοηθάνε την φάση.
    Είσαι τιτάνας.

    (Μην με σκυλοβρίσεις πάλι)

  2. Babylon wages war on Babylon,Babylon vanquishes the evil of Babylon,Babylon falls and Babylon rises,The wars aren't real but the genocides of your people are,How they massacre you like cattle!How God weeps for your misguided souls!

    Their merchants did trade,Their leader wore their cross,Are you truly so blinded by the Serpent's propaganda?!Where did their scientists go?!You question where the bodies went,where do we put ours?!

    The head bites the tail, in death they are born.
